I have taken 110 cruises. Here are the ten items I always bring.

I’ve taken 110 cruises, so I’ve figured out a few things about what to bring for a boat excursion. It’s crucial to have a list of all your travel documents and prescriptions on hand. I believe it is worthwhile to pack a bottle of wine, a journal, and binoculars in your backpack. Join Morning Brew to receive the greatest tips for living more wisely. I’ve been on 110 cruises, and over those trips, I’ve learnt some of the greatest items to pack.

You might have a brief respite from the adventure as your ship sets sail thanks to some special additions to your regulars.
I always pack the following ten items for cruises.

I CAN USE MAGNETIC HOOKS TO USE THE SMALL CABINS BETTER. I remember reading years ago that magnetic hooks work perfectly on the steel walls found in cruise ship cabins, so I always pack a few.

The additional hooks on the bathroom door keep wet clothing off the beds because bathing suits, towels, pajamas, and bathrobes quickly fill the two standard hooks.

I FEEL AT EASE PACKING A SMALL COMPASS I like to carry a little compass, despite there being really no good reason to.

Knowing where I was going for shore excursions, or even where to get or stay out of the sun aboard the ship, was helpful in more than a few instances.

A few business cards are something I always make sure I have. I have business cards that advertise some of my novels and open doors to new acquaintances or writing groups as a writer.

I’m willing to utilize whatever advantages I come across through individuals I encounter on board.