In November, these 10 LGBTQ candidates could create political history.

According to the political action committee LGBTQ Victory Fund, there will be more than 600 candidates who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer on the November 8 ballot, up from the 432 candidates in the previous midterm elections in 2018.

The chance to change history will be presented to dozens of these political contenders, including the 10 featured here.
Running for: Vermont’s At-Large Congressional District, U.S. House of Representatives
If chosen, one of the first: A woman and an LGBTQ person from Vermont were elected to Congress.

Former middle school teacher Becca Balint has been involved in political firsts for Vermont’s LGBTQ community and for women. Balint was elected president of the Vermont Senate in 2020, making history as the state’s first openly transgender and female president.

Balint, a lesbian who leads the LGBTQ political movement, has nevertheless encountered opposition because of her sexuality. In a campaign video, Balint said that their Brattleboro neighbor had an anti-gay sign when she and her future wife initially moved in.

She recalled thinking, “How are we going to make this work?” as soon as she got out of the car and discovered she was pregnant. We felt the relief that occurs when we stop turning away from one other and start seeing each other face to face. From a wave to a discussion to a borrowed lawn mower, things shifted and the sign came down.

With the support of leftists like Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Vermont legends Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, the co-founders of Ben